Suwannee Fire Rescue

Posting a Fire Watch

Posting a Fire Watch


A fire watch is a physical inspection conducted when a BUILDINGS fire alarm, sprinkler, or other suppression systems, are temporarily out of service.

Posting of a fire watch is the responsibility of the building owner or their designated representative, which may include tenants or construction superintendents.

Fire watch personnel are required to continually patrol the facility for evidence of smoke, fire, or any abnormal conditions. When the average life-threatening situation is discovered, the fire watch personnel must immediately contact emergency personnel (via 911), and then alert the occupants and assist in the orderly evacuation of the facility.


NFPA 101 life safety code requires that a fire watch be instituted any of the following items:

  • Fire Alarm System fully or partially out of service.
  • Sprinkler System fully or partially out of service.
  • Special Hazards.
  • Other conditions as required by the Fire-Rescue Department.

If any of these conditions are occur and cannot be corrected within four hours, the building owner, or their representative is required by the Florida fire prevention code to either vacate the building or provide a fire watch until the system is repaired or the hazard is mitigated. Additionally, the office of the fire prevention division must be contacted and advised that a system is out of service and a fire watch is been posted.


1. Notify the Fire Department that the system is not working and again when the system has been repaired.
2. Contact a licensed contractor to repair the system and pull any required permits
(contact the Fire Prevention Office 386-208-1484 for permitting information if
3. Personnel who are to conduct the fire watch are hired by the building owner. Typically, hired security guards, or maintenance personnel and managers who are familiar with the building make excellent choices.
4. Establish, instruct and maintain fire watch personnel.
5. Train fire watch personnel to ensure that they are knowledgeable about the
property being protected, including the following:
a. Floor layout of all buildings, floors, occupancies, and hazards
b. Hazardous materials and processes, if any, and location of Material Safety
Data Sheets (MSDS)
c. Emergency shutdown procedures and equipment
d. Fixed fire protection systems
e. Manual and automatic detection and alarm systems
f. Portable fire protection equipment
g. Facility emergency action plan and procedures
h. Any construction operations
6. If the fire watch is not being conducted as required, the fire-rescue department will
revoke the option of private fire watch and institute a fire watch with fire-rescue
department personnel. The owner will be responsible for the cost incurred by
SCFR performing the fire watch services. The owner may also receive a
citation/fine issued by the Fire Marshal’s Office for not following proper fire
watch procedures


Confident, responsible, and able-bodied individuals shall be selected to conduct fire watches. Typically, hired security guards, or maintenance personnel and managers who are familiar with the building make excellent choices. (May refer to NFPA 601 guard service in fire loss prevention for additional information).


A separate log identifying each building, or area, under the fire watch by name and address, shall be completed. Log entries shall be made hourly at the completion of each round. Log entries shall consist of the date, the time the round was completed, a summary of what was observed, and the name and signature of the individual conducting the watch. The fire watch log shall be readily accessible for review by the Fire Marshal. The completed daily fire watch log must be faxed to the Fire Prevention Office at 386-364-3488.


Individuals who are selected for fire watch detail shall be brief in order to have a thorough understanding of the purpose and the responsibilities of their assignment. Procedures and instructions given shall be specific with respect to the actions required. They shall also have a basic understanding of the location, function, and normal status of the fire alarm and sprinkler systems, including fire pumps. Fire watch personnel shall conduct hourly rounds by walking throughout the entire building or affected area, looking for evidence of smoke, fire, or any abnormal conditions.  The specific route shall be laid out so that the fire watch person is required to pass through the entire area to be covered. Wear special circumstances that exist, such as the presence of exceptional hazards or large areas, additional patrols may be required by the Fire Marshal. Individuals selected shall know the location and operation of all portable fire extinguishers on site. If a fire is discovered the fire watch must first notify Fire-Rescue Department immediately by calling 911 and give the exact address and the location of the fire. The fire watch person must then notify the occupants to evacuate and active any fire protection equipment.


The individual conducting the fire watch shall be equipped with a cell phone for prompt notification of emergency services (via 911) in case of emergency. Alternate methods of communication (radios to security/command centers with the means to immediately dial 911) may be approved by the fire marshal upon request.


Written notification of intention to post a fire watch when planned, or the actual posting of a fire watch necessitated by an unplanned event, shall be forwarded to the fire prevention division. This correspondent shall be put on the official letterhead of the business, general contractor, or subcontractor assuming responsibility for the detail. The letter shall specify the business name and address; the building or proportions thereof affected; the purpose of the fire watch; the dates and times these systems will be nonfunctional and the fire watch will be in effect; the qualification of the individual selected, and the specific type of communication device they will have immediately available.