Fire Rescue Department Preplans
Pre-fire planning is an important part of Suwannee County Fire Rescue preparing for a fire or emergency. A preplan provides emergency services with information about a property so a more efficient and effective operation can be conducted, meaning less damage to your property and a better chance of a successful rescue. A preplan captures fire department access and water supply, building characteristics, fire protection features, and specific hazards.
Florida Fire Prevention and 2020 Edition of NFPA 1620 (Reference Only)
Preplan: A document developed by gathering general and detailed data about the property/building that is used by responding personnel in effectively managing emergencies for the protection of occupants, participants, responding personnel, property, and the environment.
Pre-Plan Review
A pre-plan review will gather the following information:
- Building envelope
- Fire access road
- Fire department turnaround
- Aerial apparatus access locations
- Fencing
- Access gate(s)
- Knox Product location
- Fire sprinkler riser location
- Domestic water shutoff
- Gas shutoff
- Hydrants
- Post indicator valve
- Fire department connection
- Location of outdoor storage of hazardous material
- Fire alarm control panel location
- Electrical disconnects within the building
- Standpipe locations
Suwannee Fire Rescue uses plan review processes to collect building information from the engineers and architects at the time of construction when building characteristics and site features are best known. We seek to work collaboratively with development to support our emergency responders and provide them with the most complete information on each building within our community.