Escape Plans

When a fire occurs, there’s no time for planning.  Sit down with your family or business today and plan a step-by-step escape route.

1) Draw a diagram of your room, home, or office

2) Plan 2 ways out of every room

3) Make sure windows and doors easily open

4) Use a rope ladder if there is not a fire escape route

5) Choose your exit by checking the door (to see if it is hot, if so then choose the next exit)

6) Once you get out, stay out

7) Practice makes perfect

Remember this poem for escape plans: (for kids)

Take a drawing of your room, decide two ways out

In case there’s a fire practice the route.

STOP, DROP AND ROLL and then there’s COOL.

If you catch on fire, there are four words to remember:

STOP:    Stop what you are doing.  Moving, running, or waving your hands frantically only serves to feed air and oxygen to the flames.

DROP:   Drop to the floor and fold your arms high on your chest to protect your face.

ROLL:     Roll slowly on the floor or ground in a rug or blanket.  If there are no rugs or blankets available, then pound on your clothing with something to get the flames out.  Smother the flames.  Don’t let them get oxygen.

COOL:   Cool all burns with water.  Seek medical attention immediately.